Home of STORMFALL, a work-in-progress SoaSE story. Check back often for letters, flashbacks, and more.
Published on February 24, 2009 By Cadalancea In Everything Else

So, I took you all's advice, and I'm editing the opening thingy. To everyone who's been following all four rounds, you don't really need to read this.

To all new posters. It's pretty imperative that you read page 97, and the second to last post. That should catch you up, and I'll also lay down some of the rules we all came up with at random.

So, here they are

When you post, you must include either +1 or -1 before the number (i.e. +1 77) to indicate to others whether your post was intended to be up or down. We've had some problems with slow browsers and number mixups, so this should help prevent that.

Two, you can't post within two posts of yourself. I.e. Sole Soul, Finiskalan, Caedus, Sole Soul. (You guys don't mind me using you as an example, right?)

That's about it. Oh and also, have fun!


Comments (Page 150)
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on Mar 10, 2009


3 953

on Mar 10, 2009

+1 = 956

on Mar 10, 2009

Thank God the forums died.



on Mar 10, 2009

How did things ghet so out of control?

-1 954

on Mar 10, 2009

People on one side slept.

Except me, but I was otherwise preoccupied as well.



on Mar 10, 2009

Sole Soul


We should really thank Loup for this system.

Yeah, helped out tremendously.


-1 952

on Mar 10, 2009

BTW, a guy walks away from a thread for 14hrs and comes back to 30 new PAGES.  Damn people...

Props to SS and Cypher to getting it down into the 500s last night.

on Mar 10, 2009



A guy walks into a thread...

Oh, wait.

on Mar 10, 2009

-1 950

Anyone else bouncing on their heels about Majesty 2?


on Mar 10, 2009

Loup... switched sides?

-1 949


there once was a man on this tread

who never went to bed

kept doing +1's

and never was done

and still this thing ain't dead.

on Mar 10, 2009



You guys will have to hold the fort today; I'll be gone probably all day.

on Mar 10, 2009

Yeah, this 0-1000 game I was casually playing the negative side, didn't have the extra time to do it like the first 2 rounds.

-1 947

Delaying the end of this when Finis and Cala wake up...

on Mar 10, 2009

You guys will have to hold the fort today; I'll be gone probably all day.

Sir! Yes Sir!

 Delaying the end of this when Finis and Cala wake up....

I was kinda figuring that was th e"business" that SS  was taking care of today . 


somewhere around reply 2236 we got robbed. 

oh, did i mention -1 = 946 ?

on Mar 10, 2009

-1 945

Hopefully SS is cutting their DSL/Cable lines...  I wouldn't like to wish bodily harm in case it would happen.  Cut com lines however are fair game!

on Mar 10, 2009

-1 944 


OOPs..    my bad.

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