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Published on February 24, 2009 By Cadalancea In Everything Else

So, I took you all's advice, and I'm editing the opening thingy. To everyone who's been following all four rounds, you don't really need to read this.

To all new posters. It's pretty imperative that you read page 97, and the second to last post. That should catch you up, and I'll also lay down some of the rules we all came up with at random.

So, here they are

When you post, you must include either +1 or -1 before the number (i.e. +1 77) to indicate to others whether your post was intended to be up or down. We've had some problems with slow browsers and number mixups, so this should help prevent that.

Two, you can't post within two posts of yourself. I.e. Sole Soul, Finiskalan, Caedus, Sole Soul. (You guys don't mind me using you as an example, right?)

That's about it. Oh and also, have fun!


Comments (Page 159)
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on Mar 10, 2009

That's where your original post was, yes, but you didn't start using the method until the first post of page 25, at 279.

I'm comfortable with it either way.  I just think it needs to be in the OP/rules.

on Mar 10, 2009

The only problem I'm seeing between them....karma counts.  gc2 I got 60, SS 80, impulsedriven I got 39, SS 68.....WTF?

on Mar 10, 2009

Ok, load times:

cleared cache

loaded page via impulsedriven: 12s

revisted page on impulsedriven: 2s

cleared cache

loaded page via gc2: 25s

revited page on gc2: 16s


tip for the - team...ditch the gc2 forums like a bad habit.

on Mar 10, 2009

tip for the - team...ditch the gc2 forums like a bad habit.

Not necessary; I've got something up my sleeve-how do you think I survived so long last round?

But good suggestion nevertheless.

on Mar 11, 2009

I've got something up my sleeve

I'm guessing its not cutting more wires.

on Mar 11, 2009

Sole Soul
I'm beginning to think future rounds may need as a rule the restriction you placed on yourself, SSAF.  However, this would tend to 1) make the games much longer and 2) necessitate having shorter games rather than longer games.

But for the record in the new one (which probably deserves its own thread at this point?), the OP should reflect that (particularly if we keep the system as is) all posts must be accompanied by a declaration of up or down, so we can figure out where the hell we're at at any given point in time.

I still need to go back and find Loup's post where he started that and give him karma for it.

I agree at least that the next round needs to be in a new thread. There's been a lot of people coming in and still thinking that it's 0-100-200, simply because they didn't read all 95 pages.

Also, I think locked teams are a pretty good idea, so we don't have people jumping ship at random points.

I think that instead of just saying no double posts, also say that there must be at least 3 or so posts between each reply. The thread moves along pretty quickly, which should mean you don't have to wait too long. Plus, you can't have one person dominating and slamming the count up or down. (FinisKalan, I'm looking at you! )

I'd still like to keep the numbers climbing, if just so see how far we'd go. and how insane we are. But a cut-off should be instated that would reset the count. Say, for example, once 0-2000-4000 is reached, it resets back to 0-100-200. It doesn't have to be the same number, but you get my drift.)

I'm also considering doing team rounds, where before each game starts, two variable numbered teams are formed, and then locked in to compete. No outside members can help them, only team against team. Maybe something like that could be saved for a competition or something...

So, any other ideas? Feel free to input, I'm all ears [e digicons](\(\[/e]

Oh, and a note to all you slow browser people, I've been using the Sins forums, and as far as I can tell, they work great.


on Mar 11, 2009

Also, I think locked teams are a pretty good idea, so we don't have people jumping ship at random points.

I don't.

I want to have the freedom to jump ship, even if I never do.

SSAF, I wasn't referring to your no double posts rule.  We already had that one.  I was speaking of your restriction that you placed on yourself such that you wouldn't post more than once per page.

Which means games would take longer, and lesser numbers would lead to faster games (which would tend to but not quite cancel each other out).

on Mar 11, 2009

Plus, you can't have one person dominating and slamming the count up or down. (FinisKalan, I'm looking at you! )

One person can't bump it up alone (no double posts), but I get what you are saying.

on Mar 11, 2009

the double posts were probabally an accident by finis(during 80's) where we were trying to anticipate the other persons numbers, or at least i was.

one post per page would be a horrible rule, we would have to stick to very low numbers and this game would die out VERY fast.

the freedom to jump ships, ive done it and like it... expecially when it throws a wrench into a teams system \

off topic

we need an evil snicker/laugh icon...

on Mar 11, 2009

one post per page would be a horrible rule, we would have to stick to very low numbers and this game would die out VERY fast.

I hadn't thought about it, but I guess we don't have enough people for that kind of a rule.  Oh well.

on Mar 11, 2009

the double posts were probabally an accident by finis(during 80's) where we were trying to anticipate the other persons numbers, or at least i was.

I always waited until I saw another post after mine. I had one double post that was edited out. It happened because the forum didn't show my first post right away.

on Mar 12, 2009

Sorry, i should have been clearer. I meant to try and reduce runs, for instance Finis posts then calania then finis then calania, etc. etc.

I wasn't trying to blame anyone for double posting, no one has, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.

I understand what you're trying to say about jumping teams, but as far as I've noticed, not too many do switch, at least the ones that post more than 10 or so times. Everyone seems to just stay on the same team they started with for each round, and not really change. The rule of declaring your team would only be a formality, I guess.

Keep the input coming, so we can hammer out ways to make this game even funner.


on Mar 12, 2009

maybe you can put in wild card post

on Mar 12, 2009

You know, that could work.

Give everyone the chance to randomly post for the other side, maybe two or three times. I think that would be a good compromise.


on Mar 12, 2009

The rule of declaring your team would only be a formality, I guess.

One of these days, I'm going to switch teams.

Regardless whether or not there's a rule about it.

No offense.

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