Home of STORMFALL, a work-in-progress SoaSE story. Check back often for letters, flashbacks, and more.
Published on February 24, 2009 By Cadalancea In Everything Else

So, I took you all's advice, and I'm editing the opening thingy. To everyone who's been following all four rounds, you don't really need to read this.

To all new posters. It's pretty imperative that you read page 97, and the second to last post. That should catch you up, and I'll also lay down some of the rules we all came up with at random.

So, here they are

When you post, you must include either +1 or -1 before the number (i.e. +1 77) to indicate to others whether your post was intended to be up or down. We've had some problems with slow browsers and number mixups, so this should help prevent that.

Two, you can't post within two posts of yourself. I.e. Sole Soul, Finiskalan, Caedus, Sole Soul. (You guys don't mind me using you as an example, right?)

That's about it. Oh and also, have fun!


Comments (Page 162)
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on Mar 14, 2009

0 - 1 = -1

We were stopping at 0.

on Mar 14, 2009

Perhaps each game should start at zero and go into positives or negatives.


on Mar 14, 2009

ohh, nice idea

on Mar 15, 2009

-1 - 1 = -2

on Mar 15, 2009

-1 - 1 = -2

That's technically a double post, and I'm not aware of any ongoing game.

on Mar 15, 2009



Lightning Round: Cypher, FinisKalan, and Sole Soul. Holy fuck guys. Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down.......

Astounding Valiance: FinisKalan. Alone you held on whilst your enemy tore the ground from beneath your feet for a long while, with only the rare and confusing assistance of Varsi1 to help.

Came...From...Behind!: UP Team, from a knockdown to almost the start, all the way to victory.

Last Gasp: DOWN Team, with an astounding smashdown of UP Team.

Single handed Kick-Butt: (Thanks to Calania for the inadvertent name) Finis! Finis completely owned this game. Kinda like last game. And the game before that. I’m starting to think he doesn’t actually exist. Maybe he’s an AI existing in the Stardock forums. That would explain a lot.

Crazed Poster: Calania! You went from hardly any posts to 363 for the win!

Tag Teamers: Cypher and Sole Soul. Un-friggin stoppable, at least for a little while.

An AI huh? Would that be anything like the stories I've read here in the forum about the ICO server? Who's got a Turing test?

And thanks, Finis, for handling that whole mix-up waaaaay back there in the 800s.

My pleasure. If I didn't someone else would have had to.

What do u guys do all day, besides this?

If I am an AI, not much. If I'm not an AI, does full time computer science student count?


Quoting SSAF, reply 20As I said, Finis actually isn't a person. He's an Ai in the forums. EEEVIL.

Shouldnt he have something better to do, like mislead newbs?

or cure cancer

or find the meaning of life


  he he, me and my army will rule the world!!

But I like being helpful... Why would I mislead newbs? Misleading noobs is one thing, but not newbs. Yes, there is a difference.

Douglas Adams already did the meaning of life.

There are scientists and doctors working on cures for cancer and other diseases.

Supercomputers are working on primes, PI, and e.

Distributed processing is handling the search for exterestial life.

That covers the major tasks.

And I'm not evil. Then again, if I'm not evil, why do I have a "Get out of Hell free" card? I guess I need to go find a MENSA test to see if I can be an evil genius.


@SSAF I think it may be best if I quit participating, and instead help you judge and count the posts.

on Mar 15, 2009

Distributed processing is handling the search for exterestial life.

and folding protiens to cure cancers and gentic diseases

on Mar 15, 2009


Distributed processing is handling the search for exterestial life.
and folding protiens to cure cancers and gentic diseases

So there is some overlap that I didn't mention, but you do make a point.

on Mar 16, 2009

Yeah, I'm back from my hiatus. Had some tests in Trig and stuff to deal with.

Finis, you can't stop participating! What will everyone do without you winning every game? Oh, wait...
And also, this is my damnation. I am forced to count each and every post. It is my own personal hell. GET OUT OF MY HELL!!!!!

And folding proteins, pshaw! I do that in my spare time. No seriously. Awesome program called FoldIt. Look it up some time. Win a nobel prize. Hells yeah!

Oh jeez, it all makes sense now! Finis, you're the ICO Bot! I understand! I can SEE the code! You are the one!



That shouldn't be too hard on me to count up.


And onward to 3000 posts and 100 pages!


on Mar 16, 2009



on Mar 16, 2009

And folding proteins, pshaw! I do that in my spare time. No seriously. Awesome program called FoldIt. Look it up some time. Win a nobel prize. Hells yeah!

This is what you were talking about (first result in google)? This is what I was talking about.

Oh jeez, it all makes sense now! Finis, you're the ICO Bot! I understand! I can SEE the code! You are the one!

Well, I have intentionally destroyed both Windows and Linux (inside a virtual machine of course). I wanted to see if either protected themselves from deletion. They both failed. I seem to do alot of things because curiosity gets to me.

Finis, you can't stop participating! What will everyone do without you winning every game? Oh, wait...
And also, this is my damnation. I am forced to count each and every post. It is my own personal hell. GET OUT OF MY HELL!!!!!

I need to finish the current quarter before I partake in another round. So for this round at least, I'll sit out of affecting the count. I'll still watch the thread and make occasional comments though. Best of luck to both teams.

on Mar 16, 2009

This is what you were talking about (first result in google)

no I'm talking about folding@home

This is what I was talking about.

Cool I will look into that

on Mar 16, 2009

And folding proteins, pshaw! I do that in my spare time. No seriously. Awesome program called FoldIt. Look it up some time. Win a nobel prize. Hells yeah!

Why not F@H?



Edit: Great minds think alike.

on Mar 16, 2009


on Mar 16, 2009

no I'm talking about folding@home

I just googled what SSAF said. Which was FoldIt.

I need to get a system that is always on before I delve into distributed processing stuff. Right now my laptop is my primary computer for everything. My desktop still runs Windows 98.


You are correct if you are going up.

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