Yeah that's right. I have another question. Sorry, but you guys are helpful. STOP BEING SO HELPFUL!
Anyway, my PC's graphics card asploded.
Now I'm looking for a new one.
What does it all mean? The nVidia website is heavy on technobabble and low on explanation. I'm leaning toward the GeForce 8800 GT, but I really have no idea how to find out if it will even be capatible with my PC!
Anyone know resources to help narrow down graphics cards, or instruct on how to find capatible ones? I am utterly lost, and frankly after poring through the nVidia website, Wikipedia, PCWorld and other sites, I'm lost.
Help is very much appreciated. I'm sick of 680x480 pixel screen and crappy graphics for everything. It treats me like I'm blind.
My computer's a HP Media Center m7060n Desktop PC, in case it helps. Yeah, it's old...
Problem is now: Solved
Thanks to everyone who helped out!