Home of STORMFALL, a work-in-progress SoaSE story. Check back often for letters, flashbacks, and more.
Published on February 24, 2009 By Cadalancea In Everything Else

So, I took you all's advice, and I'm editing the opening thingy. To everyone who's been following all four rounds, you don't really need to read this.

To all new posters. It's pretty imperative that you read page 97, and the second to last post. That should catch you up, and I'll also lay down some of the rules we all came up with at random.

So, here they are

When you post, you must include either +1 or -1 before the number (i.e. +1 77) to indicate to others whether your post was intended to be up or down. We've had some problems with slow browsers and number mixups, so this should help prevent that.

Two, you can't post within two posts of yourself. I.e. Sole Soul, Finiskalan, Caedus, Sole Soul. (You guys don't mind me using you as an example, right?)

That's about it. Oh and also, have fun!


Comments (Page 32)
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on Mar 03, 2009


on Mar 03, 2009


on Mar 03, 2009

woho 200 won

on Mar 03, 2009

What did I win? Rice-a-Roni?

on Mar 03, 2009


edit: dain it fingers missplaced I ment yes

on Mar 03, 2009

Woohoo! The thread is won!

Heft is the final poster for the tug of war, with the last tug to 200!

Finisher: Heft

MVP(s): Probably DarthCaedus, -UE_Carbon, and Loupdinour, polarstar_111, but i'm going to do some counting

We had some recurring players like:Emperor_Seth, Thomas Fife, Mottikhan, and noobsauce

But also, honorable mentions: Everyone who participated!

Thanks to everyone for making this a great, fast, and interesting game!

GG evryone, GG.



oh and p.s., if you can count up your posts, it should be easy, just go in your 'my posts' section, and PM me the numbers. I'm trying to figure out the actual MVP. And plz don't cheat.

on Mar 03, 2009

The noob Ue-carbon has a zero-phobia.  Set on here all day clicking shit.

on Mar 03, 2009

The noob Ue-carbon has a zero-phobia.  Set on here all day clicking shit.

Point being! if he enjoyed the game..who are you to judge!!! So if you're only goal it to stir sh.t up then go to EA forums...they like that +_+

on Mar 03, 2009

Thats right I have a zero-phobia. Bad things happen when thiy hit zero. Your credit, a bank account, a bomb, etc etc. So yeah, zero is bad.

on Mar 03, 2009

Yay for 200!

*Golf Clap*

on Mar 03, 2009


on Mar 03, 2009

huh . . . I expected it to float around 198

that ended a lot sooner than I had expected . . .

on Mar 03, 2009

Thats right I have a zero-phobia. Bad things happen when thiy hit zero. Your credit, a bank account, a bomb, etc etc. So yeah, zero is bad.


A chicks sexual history.......oh wait.....

on Mar 03, 2009


Quoting love9sick, reply 22The noob Ue-carbon has a zero-phobia.  Set on here all day clicking shit.
Point being! if he enjoyed the game..who are you to judge!!! So if you're only goal it to stir sh.t up then go to EA forums...they like that +_+


Shuddup your face.  I'm not stirring anything up.  You are the one trying to fuel the fire if anything.

on Mar 03, 2009





Not sure what number system you guys go by, but last time I checked, 197 came after 196.

So, just to be......official.....



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