Home of STORMFALL, a work-in-progress SoaSE story. Check back often for letters, flashbacks, and more.
Published on February 24, 2009 By Cadalancea In Everything Else

So, I took you all's advice, and I'm editing the opening thingy. To everyone who's been following all four rounds, you don't really need to read this.

To all new posters. It's pretty imperative that you read page 97, and the second to last post. That should catch you up, and I'll also lay down some of the rules we all came up with at random.

So, here they are

When you post, you must include either +1 or -1 before the number (i.e. +1 77) to indicate to others whether your post was intended to be up or down. We've had some problems with slow browsers and number mixups, so this should help prevent that.

Two, you can't post within two posts of yourself. I.e. Sole Soul, Finiskalan, Caedus, Sole Soul. (You guys don't mind me using you as an example, right?)

That's about it. Oh and also, have fun!


Comments (Page 33)
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on Mar 04, 2009













Not sure what number system you guys go by, but last time I checked, 197 came after 196.

So, just to be......official.....


Your forgot one reply that fixes it all

on Mar 04, 2009

Good eye Cypher, but Darth Caedus has it correct.

As had happened to me a few times while I was posting, multiple posts getting submitted in quick succession can cause the circumstance that you were looking at. I edited my posts to the correct count when I was the one with the later post. (I think I got them all anyway) It is annoying to have happen, but it is inevitable when dealing with forums.

Again, good job to both of you for keeping an eye on the numbers.

on Mar 04, 2009

That last run was sick for replies.  I'd often find myself a number or two behind even though I had JUST refreshed the page.

Now the SD forums can sit back and chill for a bit, we ran those hampsters to near death last night.

To SSAF, you might not want to just count my posts, you might want to just count my positive posts.  This weekend I spent some time on the 0 team for S&G.

on Mar 04, 2009

I'd often find myself a number or two behind even though I had JUST refreshed the page.

I had a similar issue most of the time. I'd typically have to wait 5-15 minutes to see any replys after mine. Good to know I wasn't the only one experiencing that.

on Mar 04, 2009

LOL, I was having the same problem.

on Mar 04, 2009

It was about to the point I was just going to reply with a +1 and then go back and edit it to the real number once I got to see where I stood.

on Mar 04, 2009

Looks like I had 40 +1's and 11 -1's

on Mar 04, 2009



damn it!


* I shall await for the next tug of war* *yesssssss hisssssss* evil hands

on Mar 04, 2009

64 Post. All for the + side.

on Mar 04, 2009

And unless I mis-counted, you beat out Darth by about 6 posts...

on Mar 04, 2009

Face it.

I win.


on Mar 04, 2009

Wow a game I finally can win at!!!! Spamming, ROFL!!!!!

on Mar 04, 2009

So, do you all want another tug of war? this one, harder, or longer (wow, I just realized how dirty that was...)?

And i'm still working on the MVPs! Thanks to everyone who sent me their post counts, but i still need some if you want to be eligible for mvp (And possible karma)! And pm it to me, don't post it.


on Mar 04, 2009

yes i want another tug of war

I had roughly 52 "+1" votes could have miscounted

on Mar 04, 2009

I dont mind another one, Though I need a break. My poor arms are killing me after this one.

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