Home of STORMFALL, a work-in-progress SoaSE story. Check back often for letters, flashbacks, and more.
Published on February 24, 2009 By Cadalancea In Everything Else

So, I took you all's advice, and I'm editing the opening thingy. To everyone who's been following all four rounds, you don't really need to read this.

To all new posters. It's pretty imperative that you read page 97, and the second to last post. That should catch you up, and I'll also lay down some of the rules we all came up with at random.

So, here they are

When you post, you must include either +1 or -1 before the number (i.e. +1 77) to indicate to others whether your post was intended to be up or down. We've had some problems with slow browsers and number mixups, so this should help prevent that.

Two, you can't post within two posts of yourself. I.e. Sole Soul, Finiskalan, Caedus, Sole Soul. (You guys don't mind me using you as an example, right?)

That's about it. Oh and also, have fun!


Comments (Page 67)
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on Mar 09, 2009



on Mar 09, 2009



I'll try my best to stave off any runs. Usually I drop quite a bit when I turn it in for the night.

on Mar 09, 2009

+1 = 504

Late nights like this or my activities away from the computer are when things stay quite balanced. Yes I actually look at the posts between the current post and my previous post to see what happened.

This conversation is actually staying quite civilized right now. I hope it will stay civilized later on.

on Mar 09, 2009


My wife i playing Warcraft on the bigscreen so I am stuck on this computer so I am bored. I love her, but I really want MY computer back.

on Mar 09, 2009

+1 = 506

on Mar 09, 2009



As long as there are no mention of Rosie clones, it'll probably stay civilised.

on Mar 09, 2009


You guys want to see a pic of my wife with our life sized Star Wars Destroyer Droid?

on Mar 09, 2009

+1 = 507

I had to go look up what a rosie clone was, as well as what giggidy was. Just goes to show the difference in people and their habits.

on Mar 09, 2009




That'd be pretty cool, IMO.

Too bad I'm going to bed now. See you all tomorrow.

Don't get too far ahead.

on Mar 09, 2009


Booya! She lets me buy the dumbest crap. God I love her.

on Mar 09, 2009

+1 = 508

Nice Picture

on Mar 09, 2009



on Mar 09, 2009

+1 = 508

on Mar 09, 2009


For Valentine's day this year I bought her an R2D2 that was fully electronic with sounds, head moving ETC filled with 1.9 gallons of M&M's. I have not gotten a picture of that yet though. 

on Mar 09, 2009



There is a woman in my house.

She is named Rose.

I will let the rest of you fill in the blanks.

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