I'm sure many of you have heard of the eagerly awaited Star Wars: The Old Republic, a MMO created by BioWare and LucasArts, which claims to bring a new element to MMO gameplay. Story.
So they say. Now, I don't know if I'm the only one, but has anyone else noticed the creative bankruptcy of this game?
The clone, sorry, Republic Soldiers. The Clone Wars Era Nu-Class Attack Shuttle, no sorry, I meant the vehicle used by the Sith to attack the Jedi temple. The evil Imperials! ...who came 3000 years before the Galactic Empire, which suceeded the Old Republic. The Pellaeon Class Star Destroyers, whoops, I meant the Sith Battleships.
Even the story:
Those gol-durned sith are back! We gotta go kill em again! Which we already did only a couple of years before! And a couple of yeasr before that! And a couple of years before that! Oh wait, they attacked Coruscant? Again? Again? And guess who's blockading! That's right, those cursed Mandalorians! Who got almost annihilated as a culture a couple of years ago, after kicking the crap out of the Republic! The Republic apparently decided those silly mandalorians learned their lesson, and let the society that glassed multiple planets be unmonitered. That makes sense. And the Republic also decided to leave Corusant unguarded because, well, after all the Sith are meeting at Alderaan for peace, and those Sith are so trustworthy! They're definitely people of their word, so let's leave the GALACTIC CAPITAL unguarded! Oh yes, and the Jedi Temple gets razed. Again. And apparently they decide to rebuild it looking the exact same way it did before it was destroyed...?
Cases in point:
Clones/Republic Special Forces

This is a Star Wars: Old Republic Era
Republic Special Forces Trooper

These are clone troopers. Obvious?
I understand their are only so many ways to make full body armor.
But seriously?
Old Republic Sith Battleships

Legacy Era Pellaeon Class Star Destroyers (Legacy era is approximately 100 years after the movies.)

So there we are. The reasons not to be excited about star wars: the old crapublic.
Oh right, don't forget about Mr. Darth Malek ripoff.